All functions |
Autoregressive order 2 - AR(2) precision matrix generator |
AUC calculation |
AddAlpha |
Kullback Liebler |
Kaxis |
Kgrid function |
Kolygon |
MakeADFun safely terminated if there is a bound error |
PlotData function |
Find R binary depending on systems |
STATA long date format to R date |
Generalized logistic type I survival |
Convinient for R4 pipe |
Generate precision matrix for spatial model from matrix of adjacency |
Right assign to using with pipe |
Convert a R list of variable to mongo fields |
Convert an R named list to mongo `OR` |
Convert a R named list of variable and condition to mongo query |
table that take pipe input |
Plot bar chart in terminal |
Plot text |
Brackets |
Show data frame in browser |
replicate some features of bash cd |
Convenient create vector of character without the need to quote |
Do calculation, automatically converting type |
Frank copulas parameter to kendall tau or spearman rho |
Crash testing an expression |
Cut at zero |
Date to Rate |
CMC from R date |
Frank copulas density |
gumbel copulas density |
Double logistic function |
Double logistic with three bounds |
Download with httr |
Skew-log-logistic distribution |
Display HTML with common options |
To use in in tryCatch |
Evaluate a text as expression |
Generalized logistic type I density |
Unwrap a facet_wrap plot |
clean file name |
Fill `sf` with `h3` indexes |
findInterval and return factor with label |
Find consecutive (by one unit only) |
find filename matching regex in a zipped file |
format p-value for publishing |
Fractional polynomial |
Find best fit fractional polynomial using GLM |
Write bzipped data file |
Generate random walk precision structure matrix |
genSmooth |
genCols |
genCols |
Simulated random walk |
Generate widths for geom_tile with unevenly space x-axis |
Get values of summary( |
Read variable coding of a variable from stata file |
Read meta data from stata file |
Prepare ggplot by groups |
Plot a 2D matrix as image |
Plot a 2D matrix as lines |
Default column plot for ktools |
Default histogram plot for ktools |
Default pie plot for ktools |
Not in |
Not in = out |
Find text match regex with grep with some tailored options |
Find most frequent occurrences in the neighbors and fill in the missing hexagon |
Plot density in terminal |
hlegend |
hline |
Auto sort the columns to plotable matrix |
Invert |
Is negative |
is sorted? |
Check if system is Windows |
shorthand ISO to country name from countrycode package with some custom match |
Join elements of list a from list b |
Kill R session |
Compile TMB with ktools header |
K-ring smoothing |
Cut but automatically include min and max data's value |
labelOutlier |
Generate lookup table for haven read spss/stata |
Add nested list name to nested data column |
List zip file contents with unzip or unar (default) |
Wrapper of suppress message library loadings |
Log penalized complexity precision prior like INLA's internal |
Logistic shape generator |
logplot |
Matrix with names to long table with rowname as column |
lsSize |
Generate model matrix for random effect, such as AR model |
Leaflet map wrapper |
format cross table for publushing |
Month year to cmc |
Pager view similar to more |
Find most frequent occurrences with rle |
format cross-IQR by groups (>2) for publishing |
Number of unique elements in a vector |
shorthand country name to ISO from countrycode package with some custom match |
Convert named vector to a named list |
Collection of naming, renaming functions, values |
Constructing list with named from object name |
Remove NA/Inf from objects |
n(amed)apply: lapply but automatic add names to output |
Null-space penalty of the precision matrix |
Open file with system's program (on MAC) |
Order data frame |
Adjusted prevalence using sensitivity and specificity |
Frank copulas prob |
PFU 2 2 TCID50 |
gumbel copulas prob |
Pick element in vector base on regex |
Plot segments |
lo |
blankplot |
hplot |
bothplot |
Plot text |
pointplot |
Plot text |
plot in terminal with color |
precision to sd |
put |
Convert ipynb to Rmarkdown or R script |
quantile 95% with name |
Print ggplot off-screen |
Query variable and labels from data read with haven |
Query variable and labels from data read with haven |
Query data frame read with readstata13 |
Binding rows, auto set colnames |
Range to sequence |
Range label like 2019-20 |
Read a file match a pattern inside a zip file |
Read and bind |
Rebase for indexing/modellin |
recode keeping original data when conditions have NA |
Help to refactor the factor easier |
Remove consecutive (by one unit only) |
Remove text from strings with gsub |
Rename a column |
| with named width and height |
Sample multivariates with precision matrix |
rownames to id |
s2n - String to numeric |
Sample TMB fit |
savePDF function |
savePNG function |
savePs function |
ggplot to 300 dpi JPG for article submission |
create dir, change to, and return the name |
Submit SLURM job |
Get original value before scale |
scale_to_length |
scale to defined range |
Open output of a function in a new text file (in default application) |
sd to precision |
Sizing the figure in Python notebook IRKernel |
Simpler data overview |
Prepare the R script and sh file to submit to HPC managed with SLURM |
Convert to snake case from package snakecase |
Square |
Monitor SLURM queue |
Strip unicode characters |
Split time to interval for survival model - improved |
tabulate a variable with pipe |
View table as html |
format cross-table for publishing |
Write a note to file |
Tabulate 2 variables with count and percentage |
Calculate Information criteria for TMB model |
TMB compile and load |
TMB fix parameters |
Basic loading of TMB model with basic name handling, unloading |
Unload loaded TMB dynamics |
Today date |
Unzip file with unar instead of unzip |
Uncounting data frame using a weights |
Unroll zipped files |
Variance of adjusted prevalence using sensitivity and specificity |
vline |
wait function |
Find empty element in a nested list |
Find element in a vector and extract name not indice |
Find element not in a vector and extract name not indice |
xyline |