Double logistic function have two periods each with a logistic shape, either one of them will be decreasing and the other increases.
x = seq(0, 10, 0.01),
bound1 = 0,
bound2 = 1,
rate1 = 2,
rate2 = 5,
midpoint1 = 3,
midpoint2 = 7
time horizon
the boundary of function (this will equals the function value at time zero)
the second boundary, if bound1 > bound2 the function increase first then decrease, and vice versa.
rate of change of first period, control the sharpness of changes
rate of change of second period, control the sharpness of changes
midpoint where the chance occurs in the first period
midpoint where the chance occurs in the second period
vector of length x
plotl(double_logistic(bound1=0.1, bound2=0.8))
plotl(double_logistic(bound1=0.8, bound2=0.1))