what this does is save as PDF, then crop it, and convert to JPG which

save_jpg_for_submission(name, figure = NULL, ...)



name to save without extension


ggplot object, empty means the last plot


more parameters for `ggsave`


- not change scale, as compared to `ggsave` as JPG and put `dpi = 300`, always set width and height! my favorites are 7-4, 7-5, 9-6 - crop white space surrounding (such as from `geom_sf`), with `pdfcrop` or `pdfcrop.pl` for mamba/conda. - convert to JPG with `pdftoppm` (from `poppler-utils`)

this will create a subfolder at `here::here('fig')` and save into it.

Try adding `+ k.theme`?