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  id = "649def34f8be52c8b66281af98ae884c09aef38b",
  args = "year,fieldsOfStudy,citationCount,url"



semanticscholar The following types of IDs are supported:

  • <sha> - a Semantic Scholar ID, e.g. 649def34f8be52c8b66281af98ae884c09aef38b

  • CorpusId:<id> - Semantic Scholar numerical ID, e.g. 215416146

  • DOI:<doi> - a Digital Object Identifier, e.g. DOI:10.18653/v1/N18-3011

  • ARXIV:<id> - arXiv.rg, e.g. ARXIV:2106.15928

  • MAG:<id> - Microsoft Academic Graph, e.g. MAG:112218234

  • ACL:<id> - Association for Computational Linguistics, e.g. ACL:W12-3903

  • PMID:<id> - PubMed/Medline, e.g. PMID:19872477

  • PMCID:<id> - PubMed Central, e.g. PMCID:2323736

  • URL:<url> - URL from one of the sites listed below, e.g. URL:

URLs are recognized from the following sites:


what to get - hardcode now, a comma-separated list of the fields to be returned. The following case-sensitive citation fields are recognized:

  • contexts

  • intents

  • isInfluential

  • paperId - Always included

  • externalIds

  • url

  • title - Included if no fields are specified

  • abstract

  • venue

  • year

  • referenceCount

  • citationCount

  • influentialCitationCount

  • isOpenAccess

  • fieldsOfStudy

  • authors - Up to 500 will be returned. Will include: authorId & name