Miscellaneous function, color palettes, collected doing modelling, many trivial ones. ## Installation

The development version from GitHub with:


Examples of what inside:

  • more: View a big object in a pager view similar to bash more, press q to quit viewing
more(LETTERS[rep(1:26, each=1000)])
  • pick: wrapper of grep tp pick element with regex
  • query_label: search variable labels on labelled data (e.g. haven::read_dta)
# query KAIS surveys
query_label(b1, "cmc")
#     name                              label
# 1: qhint            Date of interview (CMC)
# 2:  q102                Date of birth (CMC)
# 3:  q212 Date of birth for last child (CMC)
# 4:  q318 Date of birth for last child (CMC)
query_name(b2, "weight")                                                                                                
#          name label
# 1: rawiweight      
# 2: rawbweight      
# 3:   aiweight      
# 4:   abweight      
  • facet_unwrap: unwrap a ggplot2::facet_wrap plot to view or save separately
g <- iris %>%
  ggplot(aes(Sepal.Length)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  • allot: -> right assign with pipe (experimental - use interactive only)
# these two are equivalent
a <- tibble(x = 1)
tibble(x = 1) %>% allot(a)
  • recode_if: like case_when when you want to keep original data (TRUE ~ original)
  • rename: rename a column in data.frame
  • take_note: Write a note to file
  • unkount: Uncounting data frame using a weights
  • surv_split to split survival time for immediate death model
  • screen_to_file: write object on screen to a file, e.g. get contents of a function
  • char: quoting automatic
char(a, b, c)
# [1] "a" "b" "c"
  • bracket: put bracket around a text
  • browse: Show data frame in browser
  • cd: replicate some features of bash cd
# Moved from: /Users/knguyen/Code/R/ktools
#  to ~
# Moved from: /Users/knguyen
#  to /Users/knguyen/Code/R/ktools
  • Generate AR(2) precision matrix
  • MakeADFun safely terminated if there is a bound error
  • double_logistic: Double logistic function
  • findInterval2: findInterval and return factor with label
  • fractional_poly: find best fit fractional polynomial using GLM
  • kut: Cut but automatically include min and max data’s value
  • kompile: compile TMB with extra ktools’s C++ headers
  • lsSize: list objects with size
  • napply: n(amed)apply: lapply but automatic add names to output
  • pfrankCopula: Frank copulas prob
  • tmb_fixit: TMB fix parameters
  • NullSpace penalty
name2list(c(x = 1, abc = 2))

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